MiddleMouseUpActionĪction to execute when the middle mouse button is released. Note: This disables the skin context menu. RightMouseUpActionĪction to execute when the right mouse button is released. LeftMouseDownAction should be avoided unless there is a specific need to trap the downward press, as it will disable the ability to drag the skin. Note: This will generally be the desired option for a left mouse click. LeftMouseUpActionĪction to execute when the left mouse button is released. MiddleMouseDownActionĪction to execute when the middle mouse button is pressed. RightMouseDownActionĪction to execute when the right mouse button is pressed. LeftMouseDownActionĪction to execute when the left mouse button is pressed. Note: Mouse Click Options may be overridden by holding down CTRL while clicking. Note: Actions defined for a meter will override actions defined in the section. The target area detected by the mouse will be any non-transparent areas of the skin.
The target area detected by the mouse will be any non-transparent areas of the meter, or any part of the meter which has a non-transparent meter or skin background behind it. The action is triggered by specific mouse events. Mouse actions are action options used on any visible part of the skin.